Below are pentatonic soloing video lessons designed for intermediate and advanced guitar playing students of all ages.
These videos are about How to Use a Pentatonic scale to solo. There is a method to the madness when it comes to soloing: and most importantly, soloing is always about coming home. Here are some demonstrations on how to actually use the guitar’s most famous scales. Correctly…!
Pentatonic Soloing Video 1: Combining A Minor Pentatonic scale shapes with electric guitar soloing Mode scales
Texas guitar Instructor John E. Davis jams a Pentatonic soloing video combining pentatonic scales with A minor mode shapes over a melodic jazz rock progression. John E. Davis is the owner and CEO of the Texas Guitar School located in Arlington, Texas. For more information visit
Pentatonic Soloing Video 2: Jamming Pentatonic Blues Shapes in B Minor
Guitarist John E. Davis plays Pentatonic Blues Shapes in B Minor. Using a Fender Stratocaster With a DiMarzio Chopper in the Neck and a DiMarzio Fred in the Bridge. John E. Davis is the owner and CEO of the Texas Guitar School located in Arlington, Texas. For more information visit
Pentatonic Soloing Video 3: Little Sunday E-Minor Pentatonic Jam!
Little Sunday Practice Jam. E-Minor Pentatonic! Shot with an I-Phone. Using a Crate XT 10 Amp. Fender MIM Stratocaster. Boss SD-1 Overdrive, Boss DD-3 Delay. John E. Davis is the owner and CEO of the Texas Guitar School located in Arlington, Texas. For more information visit
Pentatonic Soloing Video 4: Practicing Pentatonic Shapes In D Minor
Practicing Pentatonic Shapes: Texas Guitar Teacher John E. Davis offers a video showing how to practice and improvise pentatonic shapes over a backing track in the key of D Minor. John E. Davis is the owner and CEO of the Texas Guitar School located in Arlington, Texas.