Metal Guitar Video Lessons

Learn how to play metal and rock guitar! These free rock guitar video lessons cover the core concepts and techniques that will help you play metal and rock guitar.Continue to practice along with each video until you feel comfortable playing the material on your own. Whether you’re just advancing from beginner lessons or looking for new soloing ideas, pick a video lesson below and start learning to play metal guitar today!

Metal Guitar Lesson Video 1: Chromatic Drills & Aeolian Speed Runs

Texas Guitar Instructor John E. Davis gives a metal guitar video lesson on how to play chromatic scales and Aeolian scale lead guitar speed phrasing. Visit for more free video guitar lessons.

Metal Guitar Lesson Video 2: Rock Pedal Technique and Metal Power Chords

Texas guitar teacher John E. Davis offers a metal guitar lesson video on rock guitar open string pedal technique and power chord rhythm exercises. For more information visit

Metal Guitar Lesson Video 3: Creating Metal Guitar Riffs In A Minor

Texas guitar teacher John E. Davis offers a metal guitar lesson video on how to create rock and metal style guitar riffs using the A minor pentatonic scale. For more information visit